LANOTEC - Timber Seal 'PLUS' (TSP) Strong & Powerful Sealant for Rough Sawn Timber Furniture, Fence & Cladding
- For rough sawn timber including outdoor furniture, fencing, gates, and cladding
- Prevention of drying, cracking, splitting & wood rot
- For weatherproofing end grains & checkouts
- .Corrosion protection of metal fastenings & fittings
- Light lubricant for locks and hinges
Available in: 20 litre, 200 litre
• All new (green) timber structures should be allowed to settle for a minimum of 3 months before applying any coating system. If treated before this, there is a risk of resins and tannins rising to the surface, causing black spots.
• If the timber is freshly milled or “green”, only apply inside joints and on bolts and fastenings. Allow timber to weather further before applying Timber Seal.
• Previously untreated timber should be treated against mould and/or fungus spores (use any broad spectrum agent) before applying Timber Seal.
• High levels of tannin and oily resins or high moisture content in the timber will affect the penetration rate of Timber Seal which can lead to a poor finish of the coated surface. It is important that the timber is clean and dry before applying Timber Seal.
• Can be used on timber previously coated with decking oil. Timber must be showing signs of dryness before applying Timber Seal.
• If the timber has turned grey due to weathering, and restoration is desired, sand surface lightly and clean thoroughly before applying Timber Seal. To restore colour without sanding, see below in regards to using tint.
• Ensure timber is dry, and free of dirt & dust before applying Lanotec Timber Seal - High pressure clean then leave 24 hours to dry
• Shake container to ensure product is mixed correctly. Colder climates will require extra agitation.
• Refer to coverage guide. Measure area of timber to be protected. Only use the recommended volume of product. Over application will cause tackiness on the surface of the timber.
• For decking surfaces and other dressed timber, Timber Seal is best applied by spraying via a garden type sprayer or for the 1L Spray Pack straight out of the bottle. A flat lamb’s wool applicator may be used to evenly spread the applied product. For the underside of external decking and structural timbers, apply by spray, preferably prior to construction.
• The final coat of exposed dressed timber surface can be polished/buffed to the natural wax to remove residue, maximise the protective seal and to highlight the natural grains. • 6 hours drying time is recommended.
• Lanotec Timber Seal is compatible with most oil based tints, if the timber is dry it will accept a tint mixed into the Timber Seal at a rate of 2.5%(25ml per 1L). However it is advisable to conduct a penetration test with an off-cut or in an inconspicuous area first. • Timber Seal is not compatible with acrylic water based products.