Discover Wattyl's Sustainable Coating Solutions at Decking Supply Online
Introduction: At Decking Supply Online, we proudly offer Wattyl's range of sustainable coating solutions, contributing to a brighter and more environmentally friendly future for our customers.
Wattyl - A Trusted Name in Coatings: With over 100 years of experience protecting valuable assets, Wattyl has earned a reputation for trust and reliability. As a renowned brand of architectural, decorative paints, special purpose, and protective coatings, Wattyl offers a comprehensive range of high-quality products widely available throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Partnership with the Hempel Group: Since February 2021, Wattyl has been fully owned by the Hempel Group, further enhancing its position as a leader in the industry.
Explore Wattyl's Range: Decking Supply Online is pleased to offer our customers access to Wattyl's renowned products, ensuring the best quality and performance for their projects. Explore Wattyl's range of sustainable coating solutions today and discover why Wattyl is a trusted name in coatings.